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Category: Uncategorized

Linen is a magical fiber – it cools in the summer, wraps in the winter and maintains body temperature. But that’s not all… the list of its unique properties is endless. It is anti-allergic, natural and friendly to our skin.…

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Weawing patterns , knitting patterns, patterns on a knitting machine Weaving or weawing  patterns – A pattern formed by applying a trim thread to the wrong side of a knitted fabric. Why “weaving”? Due to the fact that in the finished form, the knitted pattern…

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Patterns made in the Punch Lace technique are suitable for making light delicate scarves, sweaters, cardigans, cape and t.d. Designs can be made on knitting machines with perfocart grade 5 or similar and electronic, e.g. Silverreed SK860, grade 4. I…

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Knitwear care Imagine that people would suddenly stop wearing hats, socks, sweaters, scarves, dresses and gloves. It is completely impossible. These things are cozy and warm, they are beautiful and practical. Knitwear never goes out of fashion, so knowledge of…

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The alpaca fibre is extremely thin and belongs to the group of special fibres. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, it heats much better than sheep wool, and at the same time it is several times lighter than sheep wool.…

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